Advancing the world
The title advancing the world is chosen on purpose, to
enunciate my belief that all the world is undeveloped; it is just that
different places and countries suffer from different kinds of underdevelopment.
The situation in many developed countries is that money and wealth has often
replaced humanity, while we all understand that the poorer nations suffer from
all our classic definitions of underdevelopment especially infrastructure,
resources and education.
As a teacher, it has become increasingly clear to me in
the last couple of years, that the whole world suffers to a large degree from
very limited education.
These and many other topics, will be focuses for this essay.
I intend to do some basic explanations of world history,
explaining why certain parts of the world are more prosperous than others in a
future essay.
While some people may define me as politically correct, I
am pretty sure that many others who are labelled such, may not agree. I
increasingly speak my own beliefs. I have often stood my own ground even when
my opinion was different to others. I have often stood up for the underdog, but
I have no interest in fixed positions, or ideas that paint one group as bad and
another as good. I believe that such positions are fraught with problems and
end up in war like situations with two different groups pushing their different
beliefs and strategies. More often than not, the solution will lie in a
blending of the two ideas, a willingness by each group to see the other people’s
point of view. This is where real solutions lie.
When we look at the advancement of thinking and education
around the world, until very recently, not many people were involved. To be
seeing a world where a majority of children are now receiving some education is
a big advancement for the world. However, there is basic education and
education to wake up the world, assist people to understand why the world is as
it is, and ideas for a resolution. We are nowhere near that. In many countries
education for most people means reading, writing and maths. Great this
achievement is; however, it still remains stage I. The number of people in
developed countries who still do not understand why we have wealth imbalances
with a clear race connected situation, shows how limited education remains.
This will be a key focus of exploration in my writing.
Initially I was writing about my experiences and insights
about my time here in the Dominican Republic. I spent most of 2014 here and
have been back here since October 2015. As I looked at what I had written,
something just did not jowl with what I wanted to write about. My initial
writing may get used at a later date for my reflections on how things operate
in this country, but I think that my real interest as a westerner living here,
is looking at the situation from a more global and historical perspective. To
see things in this country and other developing countries, not as a criticism,
but more as a form of understanding and realisation that the global
distribution of wealth and other things is about much more than just the people
of this country.
I do not intend to have a group portrayed as the good
ones, and equally nor will I be portraying a bad group. But I do plan to see
many issues of the world from the history of colonisation, racism, the
evolution of capitalism and imperialism. As much as possible, my goal is to talk
about these subjects in a way that is interesting and easy to make sense of. It
has long been something that I find annoying that many academics and
intellectuals write for each other, rather than for the general population,
especially if they are writing about topics that could help educate the whole
world and resolve many issues. It is also important to state at this point,
that I will not be a traditional leftist. Talking about individual
responsibility is just as important as collective. We need to fuse the two.
This year, 2016 has been an important one with the
possible selection of a democratic socialist for President of the United
States. Bernie Sanders did not get selected to lead the Democratic party,
however the reason for that appears to largely lie with an elite within the
party who had an intention to support Hillary Clinton and her various corporation
alliances. Some people like to diminish the importance of the United States
because they feel that it is just one of about 200 countries in the world. They
do not believe that the US should be treated any different from any other. In
most regards, I agree with that viewpoint, however the truth of the matter is
that most of the major media that spans the planet is based in the US, along
with all the other entertainment companies in Los Angeles. This means that whatever
happens in the US tends to get voiced around the world more than any other
country. When Obama became president, the fact that he was the first for their
country with African roots, was a very significant event not just in the US,
but all around the world. Not just for people with African ancestry either, but
for all people of colour, and for white people too, starting to see new
possibilities for everything. Despite the significant gains for gender equality
that Hillary Clinton could bring to the world, if she had been elected the
first woman president of the US, the truth is that she had many connections to
big corporations. It has been quite amazing to see how intelligent many people
in the US are about wealth inequality. For a long time, the US has been the
voice of capitalism operating in the name of democracy. Words like socialism
and communism were unheard of in most US media except when relating to the
danger of Russia. In the 1950s being a communist in the US, could lose you your
job. The arrival into the media in 2015 of Bernie Sanders as an openly
democratic socialist, was a shock to many. The US had embarked on a new
conversation about wealth distribution, a conversation that has not existed
there in any significant way for at least 50 years.
The significance of this event, is that once the United
States genuinely begins a new path which challenges capitalism in its current
form, or begins a transition to a different economic process, the rest of the
world can safely follow as well. And equally important, the media conversation
will be heard in other countries, giving new ideas to many.
In the name of democracy, the US has been the significant
player in suppressing human rights and reasonable economic conditions for most
if not all the developing world, for the last 50 years. As the people of the
United States begin looking for a better more humane system under which to live
for themselves, they provide the permission and freedom and security that
people in poorer nations did not have, to organise a similar transition. Many
attempts for reform have occurred in many countries, only to be stopped by US
intervention, be it CIA intervention and manipulation, or full-scale war. Other
countries with histories of colonial power have also been operating similar to
the US, and I will examine those as well, in a future essay.
With the recent election of Trump, which will also be
examined later, the key point to make at this point, would be how a desperate
working class have entrusted themselves to a billionaire who has promised to
improve things, but has a record for failed payments, bankruptcy &
promising & not delivering. He did however promise, while Clinton was much
quieter about the struggles of the working class. Trump’s problem in trying to
resolve economic issues for the US, is that as long as the developing world
continues to be massively exploited and as a result able to produce products at
a much cheaper price than US workers ever can, the US fails to compete. Unless
they are also subjected to mass exploitation, but that would require a decline
in property and rental values. Or protectionism, but that forces prices up and
causes businesses to have declining sales.
The world has moved to a more critical position than in
the past. Previously the exploitation of the poor was largely confined to the
third world or developing world. The last 100 years had seen the rising
conditions of the working class in all developed countries. Developing
countries and the people in them were a source of labour for primary resources,
but most manufacturing tended to occur in developed countries. The 1980s saw a
major shift of companies moving to developing countries where labour was
cheaper, unions were often suppressed by non-democratic governments,
environmental and other important safeguards did not exist. Along with massive
exploitation, and increased profit acquisition for corporations, the people in
developing countries did become more part of the world economic system. Exploited,
they certainly have been, but also engaged into a system, where they get to
have a piece of the pie, or more often the crumbs. Meanwhile in the developed
countries, unemployment has increased as many jobs disappeared to the
developing world or were replaced by technology.
The future that we see unfolding now is where wages of
people in developed and developing countries could become similar. In the developed
world, more and more people struggle with low paid jobs to match the cost of
Breaking point is approaching for many, with many cases
of people struggling around the world. I was fortunate at University to have
very good and inspiring lecturers especially in political science who taught
Marxist economic theory. A key insight which was taught was that capitalism is
a system based on laws. In essence this is what Marx wrote about in the 1850s.
Many communists talk of the writing of Marx as though his only interest was
revolution. I am not sure that it was. Marx was equally if more so a scientist
rather than an activist. He studied capitalism. He was interested in its
evolution. He saw how it was changing in his time and he speculated about what would
happen to it in its future. He was very interested in the issue of surplus value.
I think his key thought was that capitalism would destroy itself. So maybe we
have a choice to close down capitalism, or ultimately, it closes itself down.
Capitalism works on profit
Workers need to be paid enough money so that they can
consume the items produced while
the capitalist wants to acquire as much profit as
possible. If there is competing companies, then people will generally go with
the best price, especially if they have limited income.
But if the workers don’t get sufficient pay they cannot
buy the products. This is the major flaw of capitalism. Capitalism has crisis
and always will.
You cannot take the wealth for the corporation and still
have the amount of value required for all workers to buy all products produced.
Capitalism seeks profit. Capitalism makes for
individualised arrangements.
The socialist or communist idea in essence is that
everyone contributes to the greater good of the group as much as they can,
while taking what they need.
Living in balance with nature is not something that fits
with a profit driven economic system. Resources become things to make profit.
Actions are done in a way to be most cost effective such as paying as lower a
wage as possible, spending as little as possible on protecting the environment.
Short term gain is a key imperative of profit motive capitalism.
Societies work best with investment and long-term
What is to be Done?
Transforming the world for all, abundance for all, an end
to scarcity thinking & organisation. An end to greed.
A new time for generosity and group planning. From each
according to their ability: to each according to their needs & desires.
A return to many values that actually could unite
progressives & conservatives. Shifting from the greed culture of what is in
it for me, to how can I do my part to create a great world for everyone.
The key to advancing our own situations and that of
others is being open to different perspectives and seeing many sides to a story.
Stalled economies is a way I describe things in the developing
world, but of course to be honest, people in the developing world, except the
elites, have never had a functional economy. An economy where they have enough
to do a big spend up at the supermarket. That is a vision I wish for all people
on our planet. That we all work and contribute to the greater good & that
we all get to equally enjoy the results.
A world of wealth & intelligence for all
The future of the world is one where all people are free
to speak and express their different points of view. People have lots of free
time and all resources are available to them as they need. There is much less
struggle. Creativity is a natural quality of successful humans, not simply
something that will only occur if there is an opportunity to get an economic
reward. People love to create and invent new things, for themselves and also
for others.
In a future world where all people are taken care of,
resources are allocated as necessary. There is no measurement of value of food
or clothing or medicine or healthcare equipment or education. All people
realise that these things are valuable and that all people need guaranteed
access to them. The world will look back in sympathy and maybe also humour at
how ignorant societies had operated in the past. People will study the
transition to a just world. They will study the history of colonisation and racism
and exploitation and how people harmed other people to make profits. They will
see that this was a time when intelligence was limited. They will recognise
that people had been fooled and confused into tribal mindsets, seeing
themselves belonging to one group or race or country or religion or whatever,
and not seeing the totality of all people, or the place of humans in relation
to all other life.
We are at a significant turning point for the planet.
The planet has been abused in the pursuit of profit.
Rubbish has been dumped on the ground, in the seas, on
the beaches, cars and motorbikes have driven around emitting pollution into the
air, people have abandoned each other on the sides of the road just so they
would be okay, rather than having a commitment to the group. As I write this,
there is a report that the temperature in the Arctic is seriously warmer than
in the past for this time of year.
People are waking up that there is a better way to
organise the world.
We are witnessing the world economic system fusing all
the world and as one, in a way more obvious than before. But this is a great
occurrence, because as this fusing occurs, it becomes easier to transition the
world economy to giving all people decent lives and ensuring that we have a
policy and action throughout the world that takes care of the environment and
other species.
Capitalism and its profit motive and its total disregard
for compassion or common sense or survival has brought people to a new level of
questioning. Many people realise that continuing on as things currently are,
will probably not just crash capitalism, but puts into question the
survivability of large numbers of species, various ecosystems including our
oceans, and ultimately the long-term existence of our species. This is what is
bringing things to a head. As the system pushes for greater and greater profit,
increasingly sacrificing nature, and pushing more and more people into poverty,
more people become questioning. Beautifully, this comes in an era, where
education through increased technology, creates a population of more educated
people around the world, learning history, learning about current challenges,
joining the dots, and looking to a better future for themselves, those that
they are closest to, and ultimately the rest of humanity.
Revolution or transition
Establishing a minimum wage throughout the world as a
form of transition.
Taxing corporations as a transitional funding option.
Free education for all, medicine, hospital, food basic,
water, clothing.
World referendum on future economic system and creation
of genuine democratic systems
freedom for all, prosperity for all, a voice for all.
United Nations policies developed & implemented by
panels selected and voted for by people’s councils in every nation. Where all
people get to vote on decisions and who represents them. Using technology to
benefit all and ensure that all people have a voice.
Environmental solutions for planet trapping carbon & reducing heat.
Developing positive visions for self and others
Recognising trauma of past creates trauma of now.
Possible law of attraction for our results. Developing
knowledge that our visions of what we seek can help steer a better course.
Cognitive potential to ensure success of transition of
wealth distribution and successful happy prosperous creative lives for all of
Blending progressive ideologies with religions for
enhanced world situation.
In a future essay, I will expand on the following
Limiting mindsets of oppressed: first abused and then self-abusing.
We all have change to go through. Much of the abuse is
We have to forgive and realise there are no bad people.
We have to give that up, but if someone tells us to, we will resist. We have to
feel free to choose it & realise it makes sense and is the only option.
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