OMG! Procrastination is such a slack thing!
I have been thinking it was time to do a post in my blog, even though my following is almost nada! haha! and then I get back into blogger & find my last post was at the end of December- 2 months ago!
But right now the world is hoodwinked into following the celebrities and the rich & famous- all manifestations of a greedy gluttonous fearful world where people act as individuals including over food & other essentials distribution.
One day this will have changed, I am an optimist! and when that time comes, and it is emerging now, with grassroots shifting world intelligence- then maybe thousands or millions will follow my posts because I splice together the world issues and what is going on down at ground level.
So what has motivated this post? an agreed threat I made with my 2 coaches to do 2 posts on my blog & to have completed 30 pages minimum writing on my next ebook! The threat I came up with to ensure I break through this procrastination tendency is that failing to do these tasks requires me to make a $10 donation to Donald Trump's election campaign!
So another post will have to happen this week before Friday, as I have no desire to support the election of that muppet.
The last 2 months here in Dominican Republic have been pretty good. There are some challenges when living in a country where education has been limited and poverty realities and mindsets are high. Making friends with many Dominicans or Haitians means making friends with people who are struggling with basic costs such as food. The average wage here is 500 peso a day. Buying a meal at the basic comedor will cost 100 to 150 peso. For many to travel to work, they pay 50 to 100 peso each way per day, so they lose 100 to 200 peso just in getting to the job and many jobs do not pay travel costs.
But this feels like a good place to write about poverty, its origins & strategising world solutions.
Watching the Academy Awards last night was annoying & boring with snippets of greatness: The first openly gay person winning an award & dedicating it to all LGBT people around the world, Leonardo winning actor award & speaking about climate change, sexual abuse being brought out in the open with a winning movie and Hollywood trying to talk about lack of opportunities for African Americans. While that conversation is an advancement, the humour used was to me inappropriate, but it is a start. Of course the conversation about wealth inequality for most black people in Africa & the Caribbean is the bigger issue here, and the real impact of racism in its horrible forms. Many people here will not be so interested in the movie opportunities for black people, compared to having enough money to go to a supermarket. But all these conversations can lead to further awareness.
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